Here we go again…

The lockdown sequel is here, we knew it was just a matter of when and for how long. And as we come to the end of the first weekend under the new restrictions I thought this would be a good opportunity to remind us all a very important thing: this too shall pass.

I know we are all tired, we all want this to be over and go back to our lives pre-COVID but I just want to say that compared to the original spring version, life is much better on version 2.0 and here’s why:

  1. Schools are still open!!

    You don’t have to go back to home schooling and PT with Joe. (we all love Joe Wicks but I’m not ready to go back to do burpees and kangaroo jumps in my living room). 

  2. Baby and toddler classes are still on!

    These are considered support groups so they can keep going as long as the venues are open and they follow all the Covid safety guidelines

  3. We can spend unlimited time exercising outdoors.

    If your dream is to finally run a marathon, fear not, now you can go and run for as long as you want, and you can even do so with one person from another household. 

  4. We can still walk together!

    Our Thursday walking group IS a support group for mums. So we can still meet up to 15 people without counting babies. You can book your place here.

  5. Take it easy.

    If you like to bake then that’s ok but try not to stress yourself about baking a unicorn shaped rainbow cake, learning to play an instrument or a new language. 

  6. Spend that time taking care of yourself.

    Self-care comes in many shapes and forms. Try to do something for yourself everyday, Here are some ideas:

Call a friend or family member

Go to bed early 

Have a nap when your baby naps

Sit and do nothing

Wrap up and go for a mindful walk

I’m starting a Lockdown self care challenge where I’m going to be practicing self care every day during lockdown, join me on Instagram and share your self care pics with the hashtag #LockdownSelfcare

You’ve done it once and you can do it again. You’ve got this mama!


Supporting The Small Society.


Winning as a mummy