Hey! I’m Jazmin and here is my story…

I’m originally from Mexico and now I live in London with my husband and this is where I gave birth to my two children - Luna and Félix.

The day I became a mother I felt like I split into 2.

One part of me felt incredibly happy and blessed for my beautiful baby girl and the other part felt completely vulnerable and scared. I felt torn!

The first 5 months were a difficult journey. The hormonal, emotional and physical changes I experienced were very unexpected - I wasn’t prepared. I went through very hard times figuring out how to care for my baby while trying to put myself together after a traumatic birth experience. I thought I was the only one feeling this way and that there was something wrong with me. Perhaps, I just wasn't made to be a mother!

It was until I had my second child that my healing journey began. I realised that I could live my motherhood very differently and since then, I’ve made it my mission to help women have a better experience in becoming mothers.

However, it wasn’t until I learned about matrescence - the process of mother becoming, that everything just clicked! Matrescence explained why things felt so hard, even 2+ years after becoming a mother. It helped me understand my own experience of becoming a mother - and that was priceless!

Now, I’m a certified Seasons of Matescence® Educator and Guide and I have made it my mission to support women in their journey into and through motherhood.

Matrescence has taken me through a journey of self-discovery and growth and now I have the tools to support myself through the challenging times and I’m pleased to be able to share them with you.

I believe matrescence is the ultimate growth experience that will last for as long as we are mothers, and with the right support, it can be the catalyst for the transformation that your life has been waiting for.

I’m here to help you navigate this exciting journey. Let’s sail this ship together.

With love, x
